Meta Bright Group Berhad announced that the Group has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Koperasi Kakitangan Istana Pahang Berhad (KKIPB) to jointly collaborate in undertaking renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Under the collaboration, the established joint venture would apply for all relevant licences and approvals which includes a Registered Solar PV Investor (RPVI) with Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia. In respect of renewable energy projects, the collaboration seeks to undertake the installation and operation of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) Systems on the rooftop of mosques within the state of Pahang through the implementation of the Supply Agreement with Renewable Energy Scheme (SARE) as endorsed by SEDA Malaysia.

While for energy efficiency projects, the installation and maintenance of high energy efficient equipment at government-owned buildings will be undertaken.