Taaleri Oyj announced that at its AGM held on April 10, 2024, announced that Juhani Bonsdorff and Leif Frilund were elected as new members to the Board of Directors. The General Meeting decided to elect Juhani Elomaa as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Hanna Maria Sievinen as Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Directors. Decisions regarding the organisation of Taaleri Plc's Board of Directors: Hanna Maria Sievinen, Petri Castrén and Juhani Bonsdorff were elected as members of the Board of Directors' Audit Committee.

The Board of Directors elected Hanna Maria Sievinen as Chairperson of the Audit Committee. Juhani Elomaa, Leif Frilund and Elina Björklund were elected as members of the Board of Directors' Remuneration Committee. The Board elected Juhani Elomaa as Chairperson of the Remuneration Committee.