Pure Storage announced that Ampersand is leveraging Pure Storage's platform to increase data resilience, flexibility, and performance in support of its hybrid cloud strategy, optimizing TV campaigns and delivering unparalleled data insights to advertisers. Whether a local or national advertiser, Ampersand helps clients reach their unique target audience and deliver their messages anytime, anywhere, on any device - with a commitment to privacy. This requires timely, data-driven insights to help clients capitalize on opportunities.

However, in navigating the complex landscape of delivering targeted advertising solutions, Ampersand faced obstacles to efficient workload management, with its existing data storage infrastructure resulting in frequent outages, inadequate support for the cloud, and sluggish performance. To speed up decision-making, Ampersand adopted a hybrid cloud strategy, turning to the Pure Storage platform to enhance both the resilience and performance of its data, and ultimately deliver timely, secure, data-driven insights to clients. Customer Impact: Ampersand's current cloud and infrastructure strategy involves migrating on-premises data to AWS, focusing on separate data and applications strategically.

Pure Storage's platform plays a vital role, simplifying data migration and storage in AWS, while enabling seamless scalability. Benefits include: Simple, Efficient Data Management: Pure Cloud Block Store (CBS) proved simple to deploy and manage for Ampersand. From the Pure1 interface, Ampersand can move data into the cloud or repatriate data to the physical data center without reformatting data or refactoring applications.

Additionally, Ampersand is consuming less storage capacity in AWS with Pure Storage snapshots, achieving average data reduction rates of 5:1. The company gains better performance, at a lower cost, with complete data portability. Significant Reduction in Maintenance Costs: With CBS, Ampersand eliminates aging hardware constraints and continues to ensure optimal failover in AWS. To date, this has resulted in estimated capital savings of USD 1 million to USD 2 million and ongoing support cost reduction, eliminating the need for substantial backup data center investments.

Data Portability and Flexibility in the Cloud: Previously, migrating workloads to the cloud posed challenges with complex database replication for Ampersand. CBS seamlessly addressed these issues, operating transparently at the array level and eliminating the need for persistent EC2 instances, streamlining AWS infrastructure and minimizing disruptions to on-premises databases. In fact, Ampersand is confident that CBS will deliver superior performance and cost-effectiveness in its current migration.

Comprehensive Disaster Recovery: With Pure Cloud Block Store, Ampersand can efficiently migrate critical databases into AWS, maintaining continuity during transitions. The use of Pure Storage array-based replication to CBS arrays and the immutability of those snapshots helps Ampersand protect data from accidental or malicious destruction with near instantaneous restoration times.