Morpho, Inc. announced that Morpho will provide its core product “SoftNeuro”, the world's fastest deep learning inference engine, to a project promoted by the University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, and Kobe University to accelerate forecasting the expansion of supernova shells for highly resolved galaxy simulations using deep learning. "SoftNeuro" will accelerate the inference of 3D simulations (galaxy formation simulations) using deep learning on the supercomputer Fugaku. “SoftNeuro” supports major deep learning frameworks and performs faster processing in various edge-device environments.

Since it is a general-purpose inference engine, it can be used not only for image recognition but also for speech recognition and text analysis. Morpho has proposed and provided "SoftNeuro" for multi-platform and high-speed inference for various detection applications based on image data. For this project, Morpho has realized 3D CNN inference acceleration on Fugaku (SVE optimization of Conv3D and application of 3D Winograd) through the original development of "SoftNeuro" for use in 3D simulations.

Through the project and collaboration, Morpho will support further acceleration of 3D simulations (galaxy formation simulations) using deep learning on supercomputer Fugaku. The project is to accelerate highly resolved galaxy formation simulations.