MOD Resources Limited announced that the Minister for Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security has granted two year extensions for key joint venture prospecting licences (PL's) covering the T3 Copper Project and surrounding 950km2 T3 Expansion Project. Following approval of the environmental management plan or a 700km area in the northern section of the T20 Exploration Project, the public review period is now finished and preparations for drilling are underway. Drilling is initially planned at the T23 Dome to test the potential of the prospective NPF contact which may occur at shallow depth. Drilling is also planned along the T4 mineralised structure to follow up a shallow intersection of 2m @6% Cu and 111g/t Ag from 101m depth and test an isolated EM anomaly associated with anomalous soil values at T22, 6km east of T4. The 940km airborne EM survey over the T20 Exploration Project and including parts of the T1, T17 and MOD's 100% owned T7 target areas, has also been completed with data currently being compiled.