Janux Therapeutics, Inc. announced the promotion of Dr. Tommy DiRaimondo to Chief Scientific Officer. In his prior role as Head of Research, Tommy was instrumental in successfully transitioning Janux?s PSMA-TRACTr and EGFR-TRACTr programs from research into clinical trials. Tommy continues to manage the internal and external research operations and plays an integral role in managing the IP, discovery, creation, optimization and expansion of Janux?s preclinical pipeline.

Before Janux, Tommy was the co-founder of Sitari Pharmaceuticals based upon his graduate work at Stanford University with Professor Chaitan Khosla. Tommy was a key leader in the Sitari drug discovery and development program, whose successful culmination was the acquisition by GlaxoSmithKline. Tommy earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University, and his M.S.E. in Pharmaceutical Engineering and his B.S.E in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.