Institute of Biomedical Research Corp. announced the forthcoming launch of a captivating line of Purple, White, and Green Teas, sourced from the scenic tea gardens of Kenya. This meticulously crafted collection of teas not only provides an exquisite sensory experience but also delivers exceptional medicinal health benefits.

Kenya, renowned for its picturesque tea plantations and rich tea heritage, is the birthplace of these exceptional teas. M2Bio Sciences has collaborated with esteemed tea experts in Kenya to bring the essence of this remarkable region to tea enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals worldwide. Purple Tea, grown exclusively in the pristine highlands of Kenya, is distinguished by its stunning violet leaves.

This unique variety is packed with anthocyanins, potent antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Purple Tea offers remarkable health benefits, such as supporting cardiovascular health, boosting the immune system, and promoting healthy aging. Its distinct taste profile, a harmonious blend of fruity and earthy notes, elevates the tea-drinking experience to new heights.

White Tea, carefully handpicked from tender tea leaves and buds, is prized for its delicate and nuanced flavors. With minimal processing, White Tea retains a higher concentration of antioxidants compared to other tea varieties. Regular consumption of this exquisite tea can aid in detoxification, promote healthy skin, and provide anti-aging benefits.

The mild and soothing character of White Tea creates a truly calming and rejuvenating experience. Green Tea, beloved for its vibrant green hue and refreshing taste, has been celebrated for centuries for its multitude of health benefits, including the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and the anti-inflammatory. Bursting with polyphenols and catechins, Green Tea offers powerful antioxidants that support heart health, enhance cognitive function, and aid in weight management.

Its invigorating flavor and energizing properties make it a perfect choice for those seeking a healthful boost throughout the day. In a display of dedication to sustainable sourcing practices, CEO Jeff Robinson will embark on a journey to Kenya from July 24th to July 31st. During his visit, Mr. Robinson will engage with local tea farmers, explore initiatives promoting sustainability, and strengthen the partnership between M2Bio Sciences and the Kenyan tea community.

This trip underscores the company's commitment to ethical practices, supporting local economies, and ensuring the highest quality of its tea offerings. The captivating Purple, White, and Green teas from Kenya will be available for purchase online and through select retailers starting in first quarter 2024. M2Bio Sciences invites tea enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals to embark on a transformative tea-drinking experience, harnessing the exceptional flavors and medicinal benefits of these extraordinary teas.