Ever Ohms Technology Co.,Ltd. Announced on the institutional director reassigned its representative and changed over 1/3 of directors, on behalf of SHEN ZHEN EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Title and name of the previous position holder: Representative of EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.-GOu, Chun-Fu Representative of EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.-GLin, Wang Ling. Resume of the previous position holder: Representative of EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Executive deputy general manager. Representative of EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Director of Management Department.

Title and name of the new position holder: Representative of SHEN ZHEN EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.-GHSU,CHAN-CHANG Representative of SHEN ZHEN EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.-GLING,TZU-TING. Resume of the new position holder: Representative of SHEN ZHEN EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Senior Manager of Business Department Representative of SHEN ZHEN EVER OHMS ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Manager of Management Department Reason for the change: The institutional director reassigned its representatives. Effective date of the new appointment is March 12, 2024.