Publicly-Traded Company
NIRE 35.300.172.507
CNPJ/MF n.º 61.486.650/0001-83


DIAGNÓSTICOS DA AMÉRICA S.A. ("Company" or "DASA"), in addition to the material facts published in the past days, informs that it is available on the web site of BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros, on page 120 of the Boletim Diário Informativo (BDI), as of February 10, 2014 (http://www.bmfbovespa.com.br/download/BOLETINSDIARIOS/bdi_00_20140210.pdf) and on the website of the Company (www.dasa3.com.br) a statement of the results of the auction that occurred on February 10, 2014 in connection with the voluntary tender offer for the acquisition of shares of the Company made by CROMOSSOMO PARTICIPAÇÕES II S.A. ("Auction" and "Offering Party"). The settlement of the Auction, with the transfer of the shares acquired by the Offering Party and the payment of the respective price shall occur within three (3) business days.
Once the Auction is settled, according to the abovementioned communication, the Offering Party will acquire 119,539,800 shares, which represent 38.34% of the capital stock of the Company, and, as a result, the Offering Party and its controllers Edson de Godoy Bueno and Dulce Pugliese de Godoy Bueno will hold, jointly, 61.92% of the shares of the capital stock of DASA.
DASA will keep its shareholders and the market informed of the development in the matter addressed in this material fact notice, especially in connection with the prospective obligation to launch a tender offer pursuant to the article 45 of DASA's bylaws.
Barueri, February 11, 2014.
Paulo Bokel Catta-Preta
Chief Investors Relations Officers

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