Diagnósticos da América S.A. (BOVESPA:DASA3) agreed to acquire Laboratório PATOLOGIA CLÍNICA DR. GERALDO LUSTOSA CABRAL LTDA in June 2022. Lustosa has BRL 49.6 million in revenue in 2021, The conclusion of this transaction is subject to compliance with certain condition precedents, including approval from the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE).

Diagnósticos da América S.A. (BOVESPA:DASA3) comleted the acquisition of Laboratório PATOLOGIA CLÍNICA DR. GERALDO LUSTOSA CABRAL LTDA for BRL 69.1 million on October 7, 2022. As a result of the acquisition, Diagnósticos committed to pay the amount of BRL 69.104 million of which BRL 27.642 million were paid upon transaction closing, BRL 34.552 million will be paid on October 7, 2023 and BRL 6.910 million will be settled on October 7, 2024.