To the shareholders

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Other Disclosures

Corporate Governance Statement

The combined Corporate Governance Statement of Beiersdorf AG and the Group (§§ 289f, 315d Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code, HGB)) contains the Declaration of Compliance (§ 161 Aktiengesetz (German Stock Corporation Act, AktG)), information on key corporate governance practices and on Executive and Supervisory Board working practices and composition (including information on the company's corporate governance), information on the diversity policy for the Supervisory Board and Executive Board, and information on the statutory requirements for the equal participation of women and men in leadership positions. The auditing of the Corporate Governance Statement by the auditor pursuant to §§ 289f (2) and (5), 315d HGB is limited to determining whether the information has been provided (§ 317 (2) sentence 6 HGB).

Declaration of Compliance

In December 2023, the Executive and Supervisory Boards issued the Declaration of Compliance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the applicable version dated April 28, 2022 ("Code") in accordance with § 161 AktG. Beiersdorf AG fulfills all the recommendations made in the Code with a small number of exceptions, as well as all the suggestions. There are no Code recommendations that do not apply to Beiersdorf due to overriding legal stipulations. The auditor must promptly inform the Supervisory Board of any facts identified during the audit that reveal an inaccuracy in the Declaration of Compliance submitted by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board and must note these in the audit report. The 2023 Declaration of Compliance was also made permanently accessible to the public on the company's website at

Declaration by the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft on the Recommendations of the "Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code" in accordance with § 161 of the Aktiengesetz (German Stock Corporation Act, AktG)

In fiscal year 2023, Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft complied with, and continues to comply with, all recommendations of the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated April 28, 2022, ("Code"), with the following exceptions:

Recommendation G.10

In accordance with Recommendation G.10, the Executive Board members' variable remuneration shall be predominantly invested in company shares by the respective Executive Board member or shall be granted predominantly as share-based remuneration, taking the respective tax burden into consideration. Granted long-term variable remuneration components shall be accessible to Executive Board members only after a period of four years.

The variable remuneration for the Executive Board, comprising an annual variable bonus on the one hand and a long-term Enterprise Value Component on the other, will not be invested in shares or share-



To the shareholders

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based instruments but will be paid out solely in cash after the expiry of the applicable bonus period. In this regard, the Supervisory Board believes that, taking due account of the interests of the customers, employees, business partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders, the remuneration system and the financial and non-financial performance criteria underlying the variable remuneration offers sufficient incentive for sustainable and value-oriented development of the company notwithstanding the absence of any share-based component. At the same time, the remuneration system generates incentive for the Executive Board to pursue and achieve the goals defined in the company's business strategy.

In addition, the long-term variable remuneration components are in principle accessible to Executive Board members only after a period of four years. Under the remuneration system that applied until 2021, long-term variable remuneration was linked to the period of appointment of Executive Board members. Under the new remuneration system since 2021, a fixed bonus period initially applies until the end of 2024. Executive Board members who have already stepped down, and whose long-term variable remuneration is calculated at the end of the fiscal year, may therefore already have access to individual amounts of long term variable remuneration before the expiry of the four-year period if these were allocated during their period of appointment in the final three years before the expiry of the relevant bonus period.

Hamburg, December 2023

For the Supervisory Board

For the Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pöllath

Vincent Warnery

Astrid Hermann

Chairman of the Supervisory

Chairman of the Executive

Member of the Executive






To the shareholders

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Corporate Governance practices

Beiersdorf AG and the Group (Consumer and tesa Business Segments) pursue the following key corporate governance practices:

Corporate governance

Good corporate management and supervision (corporate governance) has always been a high priority at Beiersdorf and provides for sustainable value generation. Close, efficient cooperation between the Executive and Supervisory Boards, respect for the interests of shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders, open corporate communication, proper accounting and auditing, compliance with statutory provisions and corporate guidelines, and responsible risk management are the basis of the company's success in this area. Beiersdorf is also aware of its social and environmental responsibility and ensures that its business strategy, sustainability agenda, and operational decisions take this into account.

The German Corporate Governance Code (the Code) ensures transparency with respect to the legal framework for corporate management and supervision and contains accepted standards for good, responsible, and sustainable corporate management. The Code and its amendments did not require any fundamental changes at Beiersdorf. We understand corporate governance as an ongoing process and continuously and carefully develop this understanding, above and beyond the Code as well. We give consideration to comments, suggestions, and criticism from investors and proxy advisors and make changes where appropriate to corporate governance and its reporting in this Corporate Governance Statement.


For Beiersdorf AG and the Beiersdorf Group (including tesa), compliance with the law and internal guidelines is an essential prerequisite for successful and sustainable business. The Executive Boards of Beiersdorf AG and tesa SE have issued compliance principles, which can be found at Based on our compliance risk analyses, extensive antitrust, anti-corruption, data- protection, and capital market law compliance programs have been implemented among other measures in order to safeguard compliance. Numerous internal guidelines and processes for preventing legal violations in these areas in particular have been issued. Employees and managers receive awareness-raising information and support on these topics through regular training and a wide variety of advisory offerings.

Indications of potential compliance violations are followed up consistently. Appropriate measures are taken to prevent and sanction wrongdoing, taking into account the principle of proportionality. In order for us to gather information about potential compliance violations, employees at Beiersdorf and tesa have access to a number of reporting channels. In most countries, these also include a whistleblowing platform operated by an independent provider. The Compliance functions at Beiersdorf and tesa use a range of tools - not least Group-wide reporting - to support the Executive Board and managers in the continuous control, monitoring, and development of the compliance management system and safeguarding of general compliance.

Further, more detailed information on the compliance management system can be found in this Annual Report in the Non-financial Statement of the Beiersdorf Group (Consumer and tesa Business Segments) and Beiersdorf AG in accordance with §§ 289b (3) HGB in conjunction with 315b (1) and (3) HGB (CSR report).



To the shareholders

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Code of conduct

The success of Beiersdorf AG and the Beiersdorf Group (including tesa) is based on the trust placed in us by consumers, customers, investors, and employees. That is why high standards are set when it comes to responsibility - both for the company and for each individual. The Codes of Conduct of Beiersdorf and tesa lay down these standards in a binding set of guidelines that are to be used worldwide. The objectives are to help all employees implement the key principles and values of our company in their everyday working life and to show them how to handle potential issues or difficult situations that affect our business practices or our dealings with each other.

The Beiersdorf and tesa Codes of Conduct are available online at corporate-governance/code-of-conductand guidelines-and-standards.


Sustainable corporate governance involves minimizing social and environmental risks and leveraging new market opportunities in such a way that value is generated for the company and negative social and environmental impacts are avoided. Beiersdorf was early to recognize the importance of responsible action and has continuously worked to improve its sustainability.

Today, sustainability is a core component of Beiersdorf's C.A.R.E.+ business strategy. As part of the strategy, the Consumer Business Segment has been pursuing the CARE BEYOND SKIN sustainability agenda since 2020. This is oriented on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and comprises seven focus fields that illustrate our key areas of impact along the entire value chain. We have set ambitious targets in all these areas for 2025 and 2030.

At tesa, too, sustainability is firmly enshrined in the business strategy. The framework for this is formed by five strategic action areas for which tesa has defined long-term targets for the period through 2030. These fields extend across the business segment's entire value chain and are as follows: Reduction of Emissions, Responsible Sourcing, Use of Recycled and Bio-based Materials, Circularity and Reduction of Waste, and Enable Sustainability at our Customers.

The tesa and Consumer Business Segments committed to a joint climate target in 2020. This is in line with science-based reduction targets designed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and has been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Since the entry into force of the CSR-Richtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz (CSR Directive Implementation Act, CSR-RUG), we have been required to supplement our existing financial reporting with information on key non-financial aspects of our business activities in relation to environmental, employment, and social issues, respect for human rights, and combating corruption. This information can be found in this Annual Report in the combined Non-financial Statement of the Beiersdorf Group (Consumer and tesa Business Segments) and Beiersdorf AG in accordance with §§ 289b (3) HGB in conjunction with 315b

(1) and (3) HGB (CSR report).

Human Resources policies

Beiersdorf's success hinges to a large extent on the hard work, skills, and commitment of its employees. More than 20,000 people all around the world contribute to this success every day by putting their specialist expertise, commitment, and ideas into practice in their field.

In doing so, they act as an important stimulus for improvements and innovations. At Beiersdorf, viable and robust human resources work with a long-term focus is based on both the C.A.R.E.+ strategy, which highlights people as a critical factor for ensuring the sustained success of the company, and on our



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Core Values. All of Beiersdorf's human resources decisions are guided by the Core Values, which are shared by all employees across hierarchies, functions, and countries.

In this context, Beiersdorf aims to promote a working environment where employees can be deployed and continually developed to make the best possible use of their skills and potential. Beiersdorf expects managers to motivate their employees to achieve top performances. Instilling excellent leadership skills in the management team is key to this. This encourages employee commitment and helps Beiersdorf establish itself as one of the most attractive employers in the consumer goods industry.

tesa is an expert for adhesive technology, offering its customers innovative solutions and outstanding service. The company's success is materially attributable to the skills of its employees and their willingness to continuously develop them further. Qualified employees who contribute actively to helping us extend our position as one of the leading companies in adhesive technology are the key to the successful implementation of our business strategy. This is why our human resources strategy is oriented toward winning and retaining well-trained, committed employees for our company and continually increasing our great attractiveness as an employer through appropriate measures. Beyond this, it is tesa's express aim to promote a corporate culture that strengthens performance, teamwork, cross-functional cooperation, and internationalization.

More detailed information can be found in the "People at Beiersdorf" section of this Annual Report.

Risk management

Risk management at Beiersdorf AG and the Beiersdorf Group is an integral part of central and local planning, management, and control processes, and conforms to consistent standards across the Group. Our open communications policy, the risk inventory carried out at regular intervals, and the planning and management system ensure that our risk situation is presented transparently.

Further information can be found in the "Risk Report" section of this Annual Report and in the Annual

Report of tesa SE.

Corporate boards

Beiersdorf AG is governed by German stock corporation, capital market, and codetermination law, among other things, as well as by its Articles of Association. The company has a dual management and supervisory structure consisting of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, as is customary in Germany. The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders is responsible for taking fundamental decisions for the company. These three bodies are all dedicated in equal measure to the good of the company and the interests of all shareholders.

1. Supervisory Board: Composition and working practices

Beiersdorf AG's Supervisory Board consists of 12 members. Half of these are elected by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Aktiengesetz (German Stock Corporation Act, AktG) and half by the employees in accordance with the Mitbestimmungsgesetz (German Codetermination Act, MitbestG); all members are elected for a maximum period of five years. The most recent regular election took place in fiscal year 2019. The regular term of office of all current Supervisory Board members will expire at the end of the Annual General Meeting resolving on the approval of their activities for fiscal year 2023. Starting from the new election of the shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board by the Annual General Meeting in 2024, their regular term of office will be reduced to four years; as in the past, the Annual General Meeting will elect the members on an individual basis. No former Executive Board members of Beiersdorf AG currently serve as Supervisory Board members.



To the shareholders

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The Supervisory Board appoints, advises, and supervises the Executive Board in connection with the latter's management of the company, including sustainability, as laid down by the law, the Articles of Association, and the bylaws. The Supervisory Board and Executive Board work closely together for the good of the company and to achieve sustainable added value. In accordance with the bylaws for the Executive Board, certain decisions of fundamental importance are subject to Supervisory Board approval. The bylaws for the Supervisory Board are available on the company's website at

The Supervisory Board regularly makes decisions at its meetings on the basis of detailed documents. The Supervisory Board members may also participate in the meetings via conference calls or video conferencing. The Supervisory Board also meets regularly without the Executive Board to discuss Executive Board and Supervisory Board matters along with strategy, planning, and business performance. In principle, the auditor's presentations on the audit of the financial statements are also held without the Executive Board. Meetings are regularly discussed in advance, partially by the employee and shareholder representatives separately. The Supervisory Board is informed in a regular, timely, and comprehensive manner about all relevant matters. In addition, the Chairman of the Executive Board informs the Chairman of the Supervisory Board regularly and in a timely manner (including between meetings) about important transactions and liaises with him on important decisions. The bylaws provide rules to ensure the supply of high-quality information from the Executive Board. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board coordinates the work of the Supervisory Board, chairs its meetings, and represents the interests of the Supervisory Board externally. Within reason, he discusses Supervisory Board-related topics with investors.

The Supervisory Board regularly evaluates, including with the help of an external consultant, how effectively the Board and its committees are performing their tasks and decides on measures to improve this performance (efficiency audit and self-assessment). The Supervisory Board again conducted a self-assessment in 2023 with the support of an external consultant. This began by using questionnaires and interviews to analyze the work of the full Board and committees and the cooperation between Supervisory Board and Executive Board. The analysis included a comparison with other companies. The results of these analyses and other considerations formed the topic of further interim discussions and Supervisory Board meetings. Various key topics were discussed in depth. These particularly included: preparation and implementation of Supervisory Board and committee meetings; strategic dialogue between Executive Board and Supervisory Board; the composition, profile of skills and expertise, and team development of the Supervisory Board, including length of service (continuity versus change); and the remuneration system. Specific measures were discussed for the areas identified, including optimizing preliminary discussions for Supervisory Board meetings, planning meeting agendas and timings, enhancing the flow of information to the Supervisory Board with additional discussion formats such as strategy workshops and regular deep dives, enhancing the profile of skills and expertise, and improving succession planning.

The members of the Supervisory Board ensure that they have sufficient time at their disposal to fulfill their duties and are personally responsible for ensuring they receive the necessary training and further education. Reasonable costs for this purpose are reimbursed by the company. The company provides them with support, such as in the form of internal training events on topics relevant to Supervisory Board work and information on changes in legislation and other developments. Training events were held in fiscal year 2023 on the topics of sustainability as well as diversity and inclusion. New members of the Supervisory Board benefit from thorough onboarding meetings and information materials. In particular, these cover Beiersdorf's history, corporate profile, and organization (including brands and research & development), the business strategy (including sustainability), business performance and financial reporting, corporate governance, and the rights and duties of Supervisory Board members. The latter are also explained to the members after every new election of the Supervisory Board.



To the shareholders

Combined Management Report

Consolidated Financial Statements

Additional Information

  1. Composition, profile of skills and expertise, diversity policy, and implementation status The Supervisory Board most recently discussed the concrete company-specificobjectives and the profile of skills and expertise for its composition in December 2021. These objectives reflect the company's international activities, potential conflicts of interest, the number of independent Supervisory Board members, regular limits on age and length of membership for Supervisory Board members, and diversity - especially an appropriate degree of female representation. According to its profile of skills and expertise the Supervisory Board members must collectively possess the knowledge, skills, and professional experience required to properly perform the Board's duties. The objectives and profile of skills and expertise form part of the diversity policy for the composition of the Supervisory Board. They apply until the end of 2024 and will be taken into account in future proposals for election as they have been in the past. The Supervisory Board to be newly elected in 2024 will again engage with the objectives, profile of skills and expertise, and diversity policy.

International focus

All members of the Supervisory Board must be open to the company's international orientation. At least four members should embody this in concrete terms and should therefore have particular international experience due to their activities abroad or their background, for example. At least three members on the shareholder side should have international experience.

Gender diversity

The Supervisory Board's goal is to further strengthen the number and position of women on the Supervisory Board and to maintain a target of at least four female members. At least two women should be shareholder representatives. As a listed company subject to codetermination on a basis of parity, the Supervisory Board needs to be comprised of at least 30% women and 30% men under § 96 (2) AktG.

Regular limits on age and length of membership

According to the Supervisory Board bylaws, members should normally retire at the Annual General Meeting following their 72nd birthday, and at the latest after a term of office of 20 years. The goal for the Supervisory Board's composition is that different age groups are adequately represented. The term of office of each Supervisory Board member is disclosed on the company's website at

Independent focus

The Supervisory Board should include what it considers to be an appropriate number of independent members on the shareholder side; it should take into account the ownership structure. A Supervisory Board member is not considered to be independent in particular if he or she or a close family member has personal or business relations with the company, its Executive Board, a controlling shareholder, or an enterprise associated with the latter which may cause a material and not merely temporary conflict of interests. In addition, in line with the recommendations of the Code, the assessment of the shareholder representatives' independence from the company and Executive Board particularly takes into account whether the member themselves or a close relative has served as an Executive Board member at Beiersdorf AG in the two years preceding appointment to the Supervisory Board. It further considers whether they have a material business relationship with the company or a dependent company - either directly, or as a shareholder, or in a position of responsibility at a non-Group company - or has had such a relationship in the year preceding the member's appointment. It also takes into account whether the member has a close relative on the Executive Board or has been a Supervisory Board member for more than 12 years.

Considering the fact that Beiersdorf AG is a dependent company within the meaning of § 17 (1) AktG, the Supervisory Board considers it to be adequate if at least three of its members on the shareholder side are independent.



To the shareholders

Combined Management Report

Consolidated Financial Statements

Additional Information

Potential conflicts of interest

All members of the Supervisory Board must inform the Supervisory Board, by way of communication addressed to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, of any conflicts of interest, in particular those relating to a consulting function or directorship with clients, suppliers, lenders, or competitors of the company. Members of the Supervisory Board must resign their office if faced with material and not merely temporary conflicts of interest. Where involvement of the Supervisory Board is not already required by statutory law, material transactions between the Group and members of the Supervisory Board and their related parties require the approval of the Supervisory Board and must comply with the standards customary in the sector.

Profile of skills and expertise

The Supervisory Board ensures that its members collectively have the knowledge, skills, and professional experience needed to properly perform their duties. In addition to the concrete objectives for its composition, the Supervisory Board has prepared a profile of skills and expertise setting out the particular personal and professional skills and expertise required. In terms of their expertise, the members must, in accordance with § 100 (5) AktG, collectively be familiar with the sector in which the company operates; in addition, there must be at least one member with expertise and experience for each of the following areas in particular:

  • Familiarity with the business areas and sectors (consumer goods, beauty and skin/body care, international markets (including emerging markets)
  • Marketing and Sales (brand development and management, distribution and retail, communication and media)
  • R&D (innovation management, research and development)
  • Supply Chain (supply chains and production)
  • Human Resources and organization (personnel development and management, corporate organization, corporate culture, diversity)
  • ESG (sustainability, corporate social responsibility, ethics)
  • Law and Governance (law, compliance, auditing, regulatory law, corporate governance)
  • Digitalization and IT (digitalization, data management, IT and IT security)
  • Finance (finance and controlling, accounting, risk management)

The Supervisory Board's aim is that all these areas of expertise should be represented among its members in as balanced a way as possible and complement one another. In addition to this, every Supervisory Board member should meet the necessary general and personal requirements for fulfilling their duties in terms of education, international professional orientation, international diversity, seniority, reliability, diligence, and availability to the required and appropriate extent.

Diversity officers

Two Supervisory Board members have been appointed as diversity officers in order to develop the targets further and promote diversity on the Supervisory Board: Frédéric Pflanz and Prof. Manuela Rousseau. Their role is to support the Supervisory Board at every intended election of a shareholder representative to the Supervisory Board, or of a committee member, and to issue a statement together with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board regarding the proposals for election made by the Nomination Committee responsible for this, after consultation with the remaining members of the Supervisory Board. They also support the Company's HR work on diversity issues, which includes working with the Personnel Committee.



To the shareholders

Combined Management Report

Consolidated Financial Statements

Additional Information

Implementation status of targets and the profile of skills and expertise

In addition to a balanced mix of professional skills within the Supervisory Board as a whole, diversity is an important criterion for the selection of Supervisory Board and committee members in the company's best interests. There are currently five female Supervisory Board members in total: Prof. Manuela Rousseau and Kirstin Weiland as employee representatives, and Hong Chow, Uta Kemmerich-Keil, and Dr. Dr. Christine Martel as shareholder representatives. The statutory gender quota for the Supervisory Board's composition has therefore been fulfilled. Currently, 42% of Supervisory Board members are women and 58% are men. On the employee side, 33% of members are women and 67% are men, while on the shareholder side women and men each make up 50% of the members. In addition to their particular professional skills, all the shareholder representatives embody the idea of international orientation by virtue of their background or extensive international experience. Currently, at least three of the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board are independent. The Supervisory Board assumes, as a precautionary measure, that a Supervisory Board member belonging to the controlling shareholder should not be regarded as independent. Notwithstanding this, the Supervisory Board believes that relationships to the controlling shareholder do not in themselves pose the risk of a material and permanent conflict of interest; rather, it assumes that the company's interests will largely coincide with those of its majority shareholder given that their business activities do not overlap. Among the shareholder representatives, at least the following active members are independent from the controlling shareholder: Hong Chow, Uta Kemmerich-Keil, and the Chairwoman of the Audit Committee, Dr. Dr. Christine Martel. Recommendation C.9 sentence 1 of the Code, under which a Supervisory Board consisting of more than six members should have at least two shareholder representatives who are independent of the controlling shareholder, is therefore complied with. Moreover, the Supervisory Board believes that all shareholder representatives are independent of the company and Executive Board. This also applies to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Presiding Committee, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pöllath, despite the fact that he has served on the Supervisory Board for more than 12 years. The Supervisory Board believes that the long-standing experience and knowledge gained by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Beiersdorf and a series of other companies are conducive to the goals of advising and supervising the Executive Board and coordinating the Supervisory Board's work in a lasting and objective manner. Moreover, given his length of service, there are no circumstances in his specific case that might cause a material and not merely temporary conflict of interests. Dr. Dr. Christine Martel, who has been a Supervisory Board member since April 2012, will not be standing for election at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Going beyond the Code's requirements, the Supervisory Board believes that all employee representatives are independent within the meaning of the Code. This applies to Prof. Manuela Rousseau, despite her length of service on the Supervisory Board of more than 12 years. She will not be standing for election in 2024.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Wolfgang Herz have currently already exceeded the regular age limit of 72. In addition, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and another Supervisory Board member, Prof. Manuela Rousseau, have exceeded the regular term of office. Given their knowledge and experience, the Supervisory Board has decided to make reasonable exceptions for these members from the regular limits on age and length of membership. The regular limits on age and length of membership and the rules governing potential conflicts of interest were otherwise complied with. All members of the Supervisory Board also fulfill the necessary personal competence requirements for their tasks. Moreover, the Supervisory Board members are collectively familiar with the sector in which the company operates. The current implementation of the profile of skills and expertise is set out in the qualification matrix below; this shows that each area of the profile of skills and expertise is covered by at least one member.



To the shareholders

Combined Management Report

Consolidated Financial Statements

Additional Information

Qualification matrix for the Supervisory Board














General information

Member since










May 2002




























Year of birth



























Skills and expertise

Familiarity with

the business

areas and


Marketing and


Research and


Supply chain


resources and



Law and



and IT

Finance and


  • Criterion met, based on a self-assessment by the Supervisory Board. With respect to the skills and expertise this includes at least "good knowledge" and thus the ability to comprehend the relevant issues well and make informed decisions on the basis of existing qualifications, knowledge and experience gained in the course of work as a Supervisory Board member and/or training measures taken.
  • Employee representatives.
  • Previously member of the Supervisory Board from September 2015 until April 2018.
    3 According to the criteria of the German Corporate Governance Code.



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Beiersdorf AG published this content on 01 March 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 01 March 2024 14:13:08 UTC.