Vection Technologies Ltd. the INTEGRATEDXRÒ company, attaches a joint media release, distributed globally, with This revolutionary solution is aimed at making technical manuals more accessible and easier to understand by using a combination of extended reality (XR) and AI technologies to deliver an immersive experience. The two companies have already commenced working together on tenders and government grants to fund the development of this solution.

One of the unique features of this solution will be the use of avatars for human-to-machine interaction. These avatars can provide users with step-by-step instructions and guide them through the troubleshooting process. Users can interact with avatars using natural language and receive accurate responses to their queries.

The advanced natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning algorithms enable the avatars to understand natural language and provide accurate responses. The solution will also be compatible with mixed reality (MR) devices such as HoloLens, enabling operators to identify issues using MR technology. The solution provides step-by-step instructions and visualizations to guide operators through the troubleshooting process, resulting in faster resolution times and reduced downtime.

For example, imagine a mechanic working on a car engine. Instead of flipping through a thick manual, the mechanic can use the AI-powered solution to access the relevant manual digitally. The mechanic can then use the solution's chatbot functionality to ask questions in natural language and receive accurate responses.

The solution's advanced NLP and deep learning algorithms ensure that the chatbot can understand the mechanic's queries and provide relevant and accurate answers. The mechanic can also use the solution's XR component to visualize step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot the issue. This enables the mechanic to quickly and efficiently diagnose and repair the problem.