Stornoway Diamond Corporation an update on recent resource development activities on the Renard 3 and Renard 4 kimberlites at the Renard Diamond Mine. Since earlier this year, Stornoway has been conducting a program of drilling and sampling at Renard with the goal of converting certain Mineral Resources to Mineral Reserves, and of accelerating the mining of both the Renard 3 and Renard 4 ore bodies in the Renard mine plan. Results to date are as follows: Renard 3 successfully delineated to a depth of 315 meters, supporting its inclusion in the Renard production schedule above the 290 meter mining level in 2019, several years earlier than currently planned. Renard 4 successfully sampled from surface, with approximately 3,000 carats recovered to date, including three “special” stones, supporting its potential development as a new open pit source of ore to supplement underground mine feed to the Renard process plant. During the course of 2018, Renard 3 has been successfully delineated in 5,345 meters of detailed drilling between 255 and 290 meters of depth, with additional intersections of kimberlite confirmed over mineable widths to as deep as 315 meters below surface, below which Renard 3 remains open. The new drilling has confirmed the expected location and width of Renard 3, and the continuation at depth of the high grade Renard 3dg and 3h units that support the body’s high grade estimate in the Mineral Resource statement. Renard 3 continues to be open at further depth. The new data are being incorporated into a revised geological model and Mineral Resource estimate for Renard 3, with a view to the incorporation of new Renard 3 Mineral Reserves above the 290 meter level into the 2019 mining schedule. This will allow two underground sources of ore feed to be mined simultaneously, and provide additional high grade ore feed to supplement Renard 2 production. Renard 4: During July and August of this year, a surface bulk sample of approximately 13,546 tonnes was excavated from the Renard 4 kimberlite at a site where it occurs close to surface adjacent to Lagopède Lake. In 2007, a 2,104 tonne surface sample located on a nearby outcrop of the high grade Renard 4d unit returned 2,722 carats of diamonds for a grade of 129 cpht. The new sampling is designed to recover parcels of diamonds from the lower grade Renard 4a and 4b units which comprise the remainder of the Renard 4 diatreme. A total of 11,646 tonnes of sample were processed through the main Renard process plant during a three-day period in September. In addition, approximately 1,900 tonnes of material are being processed through Renard’s 10 tonne per hour bulk sampling plant. Diamond recovery from concentrate is being conducted at Renard, and at Stornoway’s Vancouver exploration office. Sample processing and diamond recovery is ongoing. However, to date, a parcel of 574 carats of diamonds have been recovered from the Renard 4b unit (1,287 tonnes at 45 cpht), and 2,444 carats have been recovered from the Renard 4a unit (10,359 tonnes at 24 cpht). Of note, three “special” stones have been recovered so far: a 14.89 carat white octahedral gem, a 12.42 carat white octahedral gem, and a 11.12 carat brown clivage stone. Initial indications are that the grade, size distribution and quality assortment of the diamonds recovered are consistent with previous sampling. The results of the current sampling will be used to support an economic assessment for the development of a Renard 4-Renard 9 open pit, which will require a water retention structure within Lagopède Lake. If successful, such a pit would provide sufficient ore to take full advantage of the increased process plant capacity created by the introduction of the new ore-sorting circuit.