The Solid Clouds hf. shareholders’ meeting convened on Friday, September 8, 2023, at 16:00 in the main hall of Arion Banki, located at Borgartún 19, 105 Reykjavík.

The following are the results of the meeting:

1. Proposal to Increase Share Capital Withdrawn
A decision was made to retract the board's proposals presented at the company's shareholders' meeting. The proposals sought approval to increase the company's share capital by up to ISK 57,142,857 in nominal value at a rate of 7.0 per share, as outlined in agenda items 1.a and 1.b in the company's meeting notice issued on August 31, 2023.

2. Other Matters
No further matters were discussed, and the meeting concluded at 4:15 p.m.

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