Sen Yue Holdings Limited announced that as part of the succession planning and due to personal health issue, Mr. Yap Meng Sing, Age 77, has notified his intention to step down as the CEO but remains as the Executive Chairman of the Company. Event Description: Redesignation of Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") to Executive Chairman. Role And Responsibilities: Mr. Yap plays a key role in promoting high standards of corporate governance, encourage constructive relations within the Board and between the Board and Management, and ensuring that the Board reviews and approves the Group's key strategies and policies.

As CEO of the Company, he is responsible for formulating and executing the Group's strategies and report to the Board on the performance of the Group. Job Title: Executive Chairman and CEO. Other DirectorShips Present: SMC Industrial Pte.

Ltd. - SYH E-Waste Pte. Ltd. - PNE Sino Pte. Ltd. - SMC Industrial (HK) Limited - SYH Resources Pte.

Ltd. - PNE Micron Engineering Sdn. Bhd. - PNE Marvellous Sdn.

Bhd. - CED System Sdn. Bhd.

- Hong Nam Industry Sdn. Bhd. - PNE Micron (Kuala Lumpur) Sdn.

Bhd. - PNE Precision Sdn. Bhd.

- Macore Technology Sdn. Bhd. - Electroloy Metal Pte.

Ltd. - Electroloy Technologies Pte. Ltd. - Electroloy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

- Electroloy (India) Pvt Ltd. - Electroloy Metal (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. - Electroloy Metal (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. - Electroloy Technologies (Huizhou) Co.

Ltd. - Electroloy (HK) Co. Ltd. Other DirectorShips Past:SMC Industrial (UK) Limited (Struck-off) - SMCI Refinery Pte. Ltd. (Struck-off).