Oncodesign Precision Medicine Société anonyme approved the Nomination of Florence Dupré to the Board of Directors, at the AGM held on May 30, 2023. Florence Dupré, a leading healthcare executive with over 28 years' experience in the sector, joins the OPM team as a member of the Board of Directors. Florence Dupré holds a Master's degree in biology and biochemistry from the École Normale Supérieure ULM, as well as a Master's degree in marketing management from ESSEC.

After contributing to several product launches for international pharmaceutical companies, she began entrepreneurial activities by setting up the French subsidiaries of BioAlliance Pharma (now Onxeo) and Vifor Pharma. Then, she joined AbbVie, where she held international responsibilities for sales and transformation. Following this, she became President of the French subsidiary of Medtronic, a world leader in healthcare technologies, at a time when the group was changing its business model during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During her 2.5-year term, she focused on operational efficiency, customer service quality and the subsidiary's visibility within the ecosystem. Florence Dupré was also a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Syndicat National des Technologies Médicales (SNITEM), and a member of the Management Board of the Fondation Université Rennes. In 2022, her article entitled "Diriger, c'est faire grandir" ("Leading is growing up") was published in Les Echos, and she received the "Coup de cœur" award from the Expressions de France Association for her commitment to inclusion in the workplace.

In 2023, Le Figaro devoted a profile to her entitled "L'entreprise est aussi un laboratoire citoyen", and she was highlighted by the R&B et Associés agency as one of ten exceptional women on International Women's Rights Day. She is also the godmother of the 15th promotion of ESSEC's Women Board Ready programme.