'Polish Cheetah' for Newag

NEWAG S.A., toge­ther with CCC and LPP are, accor­ding to the ran­king of Wprost weekly, the fastest gro­wing Polish com­pa­nies. On June 16, 2015, Zbi­gniew Konie­czek , the Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, rece­ived the 'Pol­ski Gepard' [Polish Che­etah] Award during the gala cere­mony of the "200 Big­gest Polish Com­pa­nies" orga­ni­zed by the weekly.

Based on the ran­king of the 200 big­gest com­pa­nies with Polish capi­tal, Wprost weekly com­pi­led a list of the fastest gro­wing com­pa­nies. The authors of the ran­king chec­ked how fast com­pa­nies' reve­nues grew, how much money they spent on inve­st­ments and the effi­ciency of their ope­ra­tions. The list was top­ped by pri­vate com­pa­nies with the top 50 com­pri­sing 42 pri­vate firms and only 8 state-owned com­pa­nies. Pro­por­tio­nally to the num­ber of com­pa­nies in the main ran­king, the group of leading com­pa­nies inc­lu­ded 26% pri­vate and 22% state com­pa­nies. In such appro­ach, the ratio is sli­gh­tly more favo­ura­ble for state-owned com­pa­nies. Howe­ver, the rate of growth is much higher in case of pri­vate com­pa­nies. In gene­ral, they are much more effi­cient than huge state-owned molochs. Suf­fice it to say that there is only one state-controlled com­pany in the top ten, namely Lasy Pań­stwowe, a mono­po­list on the tim­ber market.

The ran­king pro­ce­dure:
200 big­gest Polish com­pa­nies were ana­ly­sed taking into acco­unt their reve­nue. Based on the finan­cial para­me­ters the top fifty com­pa­nies were selec­ted. The ran­king took into con­si­de­ra­tion:
-sales reve­nue and its growth rate in nomi­nal terms and as a per­cen­tage;
- a company's value (for com­pa­nies listed on the War­saw Stock Exchange, it was the valu­ation as of 7 May 2014);
- return on equ­ity (ROE);
- net return on sales (ROS);
- capi­tal expen­di­ture.
Every com­pany rece­ived a spe­ci­fic num­ber of points per each para­me­ter with 100 points being the total.

Pol­skie Gepardy

Wprost with the ran­king of 200 big­gest Polish companies

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