The Board of Mongolian Mining Corporation announced that Mr. Enkh-Amgalan Luvsantseren has resigned from his position as non-executive Director to resume his duties as vice president of MCS Holding LLC, an associate of MCS Mining Group Limited, and director of a number of subsidiaries within the MCS Group. The board also announced that Mr. Od Jambaljamts has been appointed as a non-executive Director with effect from 4 July 2012. Mr. Jambaljamts, aged 48, is the president of MCS Group and a director of a number of subsidiaries within the MCS Group. Mr. Jambaljamts also works in the Royal Danish Consul in Mongolia, a member of the National Consul of the Pacific Economic Council, and is a board member of the Osazawa Foundation. Mr. Jambaljamts has over 20 years of experience in both private and public sector. Mr. Jambaljamts has extensive experience in working with companies in diversity of fields.