Light Science Technologies Holdings Plc (AIM:LST) signed share purchase agreement to acquire Tomtech (Uk) Limited with Susan Elizabeth Thompson for £0.5 million on September 6, 2023. The Company has agreed to acquire the entire issued share capital of Tomtech for consideration of £0.075 million in cash immediately and a further £0.425 million in cash of deferred consideration, which is payable in stages - with equal payments of £0.075 million being paid after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months and a final payment of £0.125 million being paid after 30 months of completion of the Acquisition. For the year ended 31 December 2022, Tomtech reported sales of £0.68 million and had net assets of £0.145 million. All of the Tomtech employees will continue to be employed by the Group following the Acquisition and appropriate incentivisation arrangements are intended to be put in place. Ritchie Balmer, James Harris, Rob Patrick from Strand Hanson Limited acted as Financial advisors to Light Science Technologies Holdings Plc (AIM:LST).

Light Science Technologies Holdings Plc (AIM:LST) completed the acquisition of Tomtech (Uk) Limited on September 30, 2023.