On 07 Dec. 2023, the BOD of Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank issued the Board resolution to approve the plan for bond redemption before maturity as follows: Issuer: Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank. Bond code (before the listing): LPB7Y202101.

Bond code (after the listing): LPB121035. Bond type: non-convertible bond, unsecured and without warrant. Term: 07 years.

The 2nd interest payment date: 30 Dec. 2023. Outstanding volume: 13,854,705 bonds.

Outstanding value: VND 1,385,470,500,000 . Issue date: 30 Dec. 2021.

Repurchase date: 30 Dec. 2023. Payment date: 02 Jan.

2024. Repurchase volume: 13,854,705 bonds. Repurchase value: VND 1,385,470,500,000.

Record date: 21 Dec. 2023. Repurchase price: 100,000 VND/bond.