The board of Hosa International Limited announced that Mr. Chiu Ming King has resigned as the company secretary of the Company with effect from 21 August 2018. Given Mr. Chiu's resignation, he ceased to act as the company secretary of the Company; an authorised representative of the Company (the "Authorised Representative") pursuant to Rule 3.05 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited; and (iii) an authorised representative of the Company (the "Service Agent") for accepting service of process and notice on behalf of the Company in Hong Kong under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) with effect from 21 August 2018. The Board further announced that Ms. Cheng Wing Sze has been appointed as the company secretary, the Authorised Representative and the Service Agent of the Company with effect from 21 August 2018. Ms. Cheng serves as a corporate secretarial director of ComSec Team Limited. She has over 16 years of experience in corporate secretarial field. Ms. Cheng is a Fellow member of both The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries and The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrations in the United Kingdom. She is also a member of The Institute of Public Accountants in Australia and The Institute of Financial Accountants in the United Kingdom.

The board announced that the principal place of business of the Company in Hong Kong has been changed to Room 2106, 21/F, Dominion Centre, 43­59 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong with effect from 21 August 2018. The telephone number and facsimile number of the Company have been changed to (852) 3895 2188 and (852) 3895 2189 respectively with effect from 21 August 2018.