Havilah Resources Limited re-assaying of selected retained drill samples from the Kalkaroo copper-gold-cobalt deposit and the Croziers copper prospect has confirmed elevated levels of REE as highlighted in the 2019 AGM Technical Review presentation. Most historic exploration in the Curnamona Craton has been directed at base metal, uranium and gold mineralisation, meaning that REE were not routinely assayed. Given the current strategic importance of REE, study of the REE distribution and grade across Havilah's deposits and prospects is warranted due to the potential opportunity to enhance the deposit and/or project economics. Two copper-gold mineralised reconnaissance aircore drillhole samples, recently re-assayed from West Kalkaroo, show elevated levels of higher value REE, namely Nd, Pr, Dysprosium (Dy) and Terbium (Tb). These four REE make up approximately 80% of the potential value of REE in the two drill samples, which are from the soft clayey saprolite gold ore at West Kalkaroo. The levels of these REE in the underlying copper ore types (e.g. native copper, chalcocite and chalcopyrite) is yet to be determined, although it is noted that previous limited La assay values were generally elevated. Composites of eleven drill samples also recently re-assayed from two Havilah reverse circulation drillholes at the Croziers copper prospect returned similarly elevated REE, although with higher relative proportions of the light-REE, namely La and Ce. REE analyses reported earlier by MMG Limited (`MMG') from diamond drillhole BNG13DD001 at Croziers compare favourably with Havilah's new assays. In all cases the higher value REE (namely Dy, Nd, Pr and Tb) on average make up approximately 75% of the potential value of REE. At Croziers, higher REE are spatially associated with the copper skarn mineralisation in both the fresh and oxidised zones. Exploration drilling planned for the first calendar quarter of 2020 will primarily target copper and tungsten mineralisation at the Croziers copper prospect, but will also be designed to search for extensions of the associated untested REE mineralisation. The REE re-assaying reported here was prompted by Havilah's new management team's recent technical review of limited REE data that was available from earlier MMG joint venture diamond drillholes on several Havilah prospects, along with compilation of La and Nd data from a limited number of Havilah drillholes. MMG reported some elevated REE results from both the Eurinilla and Birksgate prospect areas, generally associated with copper-gold mineralisatio. While the available limited REE results are promising, considerably more exploration drilling and assaying is required to determine the full extent of REE mineralisation associated with the stratabound replacement and vein style copper-gold mineralisation across Havilah's mineral tenements in the Curnamona Craton.