September 4, 2014 9:56 am Ian Smith

While you're there to do a job, it's always helpful to have a few little luxuries around your desk at work. Whether these are there to assist you with your day to day tasks, or simply to brighten up a dull day doesn't matter - it's having them that counts. So if you're wondering, what do you possibly mean by coveted workplace items? read on to find out.

It may not sound extravagant but it doesn't have to be - a set of personal desk drawers for each employee gives them their own space to store their bag, gym wear, snacks, lunch - you name it. So why is it so much better than a communal storage space? Well for a start, you don't have to name label everything to ensure nobody takes your belongings. Secondly, the thought of being able to reach into your drawer for a chocolate bar can really keep the momentum of the day going.

  • Pinboard space next to each desk

Whether you use it to pin up photos of your family or for storing important office memos, a pinboard allows you to really personalise your surroundings. Look around you - does your neighbour use theirs? The majority of employees use this space for a mixture of work and personal items - and why not? Having the chance to look back on a memorable photo may be all your employee needs to brighten up their day and give them the motivation to keep working.

You'll always get the odd person who prefers to be shut away in an office, but the majority of your employees will love nothing more than being given the chance to have the occasional gossip. Contrary to what you may think, allowing your employees to chat to each other during the working day can increase motivation and production. Why? Well because it's in our nature to be sociable and interacting with our colleagues encourages better communication as a whole - an important factor for any business.

Do you have a dedicated room for your employees to relax in and enjoy their lunch break? If not, maybe you should. Not only does this encourage that all-important interaction we mentioned above, but it also gives them the chance to refuel as and when they need throughout the day, meaning that when motivation levels dip, a simple five minute break can help get them back on track.

  • Aesthetically pleasing workspace

Is your office dull and drab or does it feature murals, photos of team outings and bright colours everywhere? We're guessing that if you've answered yes to the first one, your workforce isn't a particularly happy one. Having visual stimulation around us is pleasing to the eye, making us feel happier. When we feel happier and more positive, we're more likely to do a better job - so really; it makes sense to allocate some of your annual budget to office up-keep.

What else do you think is essential for a happy, positive workforce?

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