Gubra A/S and Boehringer Ingelheim presented at the European Congress on Obesity, ECO 2023 BI 1820237 a novel long-acting neuropeptide Y receptor type 2 (NPY2) agonist, has been evaluated in a phase 1 clinical trial. Results to be presented at the ECO 2023 congress in Dublin, Ireland. The trial showed no unexpected safety concerns, and positive effects on energy intake and gastric emptying.

BI 1820237 originates from an ongoing collaboration between BoehringerIngelheim and Gubra A/S. at the 30th European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2023) in Dublin, Ireland, Boehringer Ingelheimer shares phase 1 results for BI 1820237, a long acting NPY2 receptor agonist drug candidate developed in collaboration with Gubra A/S". The phase 1 trial (NCT04903509) was a placebo-controlled study consisting of 3 parts: Part 1: testing single increasing subcutaneous doses of the novel NPY2 receptor agonist, part 2: increasing the number of participants in the high dose group and part 3: exploring low-to-medium doses of the NPY2 receptor agonist in combination with low-dose liraglutide. Participants in the trial were healthy men with overweight/obesity.

The results show no unexpected safety or tolerability concerns with single doses of BI 1820237 with and without liraglutide; Adverse events were primarily gastro-intestinal in nature and the frequency increased with increasing dose. Treatment with BI 1820237 decreased energy intake and delayed gastric emptying in healthy men with overweight/ob obesity, supporting further investigations of the drug candidate.