The independent European Rating Agency RAEX-Europe has published an upd ated ESG-ranking of Russian companies. Segezha Group (MOEX: SGZH, a subsidiary of Sistema PJSFC) is leading among forest industry companies and ranks 38th on the list of the 150 most environmentally responsible Russian business entities publishing non-financial reports in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards.

The ESG-ranking has been published since 2018. Experts assess whether those listed in the ranking comply with sustainable development principles in three areas: Environment-how well a company cares for the environment; Social-a company's attitude towards personnel, suppliers, customers, and partners; and Governance-the quality of management. The position in the ranking shows to what extent a company's key business decision-making process is aligned with international standards in the environmental, social, and economic spheres.

'Our company is taking comprehensive measures as part of the IFRS standards and ESG agenda, which are priorities for the company's further successful development. 9 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are directly applicable to forests. The company's president has se t a goal for all the group's assets to reach a positive balance of carbon units. Developing 'clean' energy consumption, the production of biofuel made of waste and byproducts from wood processing and logging, as well as transfer to a fully closed production cycle are among our most vital goals', says Nikolay Ivanov, Vice-President for the Implementation of State Programmes, Sustainable Development and Forest Policy of Segezha Group.



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