The Board announced that, with effect from 11 December 2015, Mr. Tang Cheng has resigned as the Chairman, an executive Director, the chairman of the Nomination Committee, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee, a member of the Risk Management Committee and the Authorized Representative; Mr. Zhu Yufeng, a Non-Exceutive Director and vice chairman of the Board, has been appointed as the Chairman, an executive Director and the chairman of the Nomination Committee; and Tong Wan Sze has been appointed as an executive Director and the Authorized Representative. Mr. Zhu, is the non-executive Director and the vice chairman of the Board appointed on 9 February 2015. Mr. Zhu also serves as a member of the remuneration committee of the company, the Nomination Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Mr. Tong is the chief financial officer of the company appointed on 14 July 2015. Mr. Tong is also a member of the Risk Management Committee and a director of several subsidiaries of the company.