Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited at its Board meeting held on 10 September 2020, approved and announced that Mr. Cheng Daoran, Mr. Ma Zhigeng and Mr. Chen Yunfei will no longer serve as Directors from the date of the formation of the fifth session of the Board of Directors. Due to the term of office ended on the expiry of the term of the fourth session of the Board of Directors, the Board has also approved the nomination of Mr. Zhu Yanfeng, Mr. Li Shaozhu and Mr. You Zheng as the executive Directors of the fifth session of the Board of Directors, the nomination of Mr. Yang Qing as the non-executive Director of the fifth session of the Board of Directors and the nomination of Mr. Leung Wai Lap, Philip, Mr. Zong Qingsheng and Mr. Hu Yiguang as the independent non-executive Directors of the fifth session of the Board of Directors, which are recommended by the controlling shareholders, reviewed and recommended by the Nomination Committee, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (the "Company Law") and the Articles of Association of Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited (the "Articles of Association"). The appointment of the candidates for the members of the Board of Directors shall become effective from the passing date of the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") with a term of three years.