CRRC Corporation Limited announced at the AGM held on June 18, 2020, the company approved the Mr. Shi Jianzhong and Mr. Zhu Yuanchao have been elected as independent non-executive Directors of the second session of the Board, and their term of office shall commence from the date on which they were elected at the AGM and end on the date of expiry of the term of office of the second session of the Board. Mr. Wu Zhuo, an independent non-executive Director of the Company, has ceased to hold his position with the Company as an independent non-executive director, the chairman and member of the Remuneration and Evaluation Committee, a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee due to his age. The resignation report of Mr. Wu Zhou became effective upon the submission to the Board of the Company on 18 June 2020. Mr. Wu Zhou confirmed that he had no disagreement with the Board of the Company, and no other matters relating to his resignation were required to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders and creditors of the Company. Mr. Lou Qiliang and Mr. Shi Jianzhong are added as members of the Strategy Committee.