Laurent and Alain Lemaire Appointed Officers of the Order of Canada

November 25th, 2013

Kingsey Falls, November 25, 2013 - On Friday, November 22, Lemaire brothers Laurent and Alain were invested into the Order of Canada. With their appointment as Officers, they join ranks with their older brother Bernard Lemaire, who was appointed to the Order in 1988.

The founders of Cascades received the insignia of the Order of Canada as recognition for their life achievements. The award also honours the significant contribution they have made to Canada.

Prominent business leaders, Laurent and Alain Lemaire successfully transformed a small family business into a multinational corporation specializing in the manufacture of products made from recycled fibres. The Lemaires are also well known for their philanthropy. The Fondation de la Famille Lemaire supports numerous organizations that work for the good of the environment, health, sports and education.       

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Founded in 1964, Cascades produces, converts and markets packaging and tissue products that are composed mainly of recycled fibres. The Company employs more than 12 000 men and women, who work in over a hundred production units in North America and Europe. With its management philosophy, close to half a century of experience in recycling, and continuous efforts in research and development as driving forces, Cascades continues to deliver the innovative products that customers have come to rely on. CAS .

Information :
Hugo D'Amours
Vice-President, Communications and Public Affairs
Cascades Inc.

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