The board of directors of C Cheng Holdings Limited announced that with effect from 12 September 2023, Mr. Ma Kwai Lam Lambert resigned as an executive Director due to his intention to focus on contributing to the business operation level of the Group. The Board announced that Mr. Deng Liming ("Mr. Deng") has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 12 September 2023. Mr. Deng Liming, aged 42, obtained a master degree of science (engineering) from The University of Liverpool in December 2004.

He is currently a member of the Urban and Rural Construction Environment Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society Mr. Deng served as a senior . engineer of the Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Survey Research Institute from 2004 to 2016. He also obtained qualification certificates for funds under the Asset Management Association of China in November 2016.

Mr. Deng was also admitted as an expert in the demonstration of major administrative decisions of The People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality in May 2015. Mr. Deng has over 20 years of expertise in urban development, infrastructure and environmental protection projects. He participated in many well-known projects such as Guangzhou International Finance City, Singapore Nanjing Ecological Smart City and Zunyi Economic and Technological Development Zone as the main person in charge, earning him various investment awards.