Beamr Imaging Ltd. announced the first beta version of its highly anticipated video optimization service. Beamr's new file-to-file optimization service aims to bring cutting-edge technology. As part of the beta launch, Beamr is offering a free trial for users to test the service.

During this phase, users will have the opportunity to process video content for free until reaching savings of 100GB. This will enable them to experience the remarkable benefits of the Beamr optimization service first hand. To access the beta version, users can register for the cloud-based application programming interface (API) and find the accompanying documentation on the Beamr service.

These APIs will make service easy and safe to use and also enable customers with automation at large scale. The next step, in third quarter 2023, will be enhancing previously announced service with Nvidia's NVENC Hardware accelerated video encoding integrated with Beamr its Content-Adaptive Bitrate (CABR) optimization capabilities. The integration with Nvidia is designed to significantly improve processing speed, reduction in costs and increased speed by up to 10 times.

One of the key advancements that sets Beamr's service apart from others is the integration of the Emmy award-winning CABR technology which guarantees video quality while reducing the video file size significantly.