BBI Life Sciences Corporation announced that Mr. Hu Xubo has resigned as the non-executive Director to focus more on his career, with effect from 20 April 2018. Mr. Hu confirmed that he has no disagreement with the company and the Board, and there are no other matters in relation to his resignation as the non-executive Director that need to be brought to the attention of the stock exchange or the shareholders of the company. In light of Mr. Hu's departure, the Board announced that the company has appointed Mr. Zhou as the non-executive Director, with effect from 20 April 2018. Mr. Zhou Mi has joined Bio Basic Inc. since July 2007, and was appointed as a department director of the company on 16 January 2014. In his role, he is responsible for the manufacture and sale in overseas market. Mr. Zhou graduated and obtained Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada in 2007.