Inactive Instrument

Company Automotive Components Europe SA




Auto, Truck & Motorcycle Parts


Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - 06-07-20
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -

Members of the board

Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - 06-07-20

Share class

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A 1 21,230,515 15,094,666 ( 71.10 %) 0 71.10 %

Company contact information

Automotive Components Europe SA

38, boulevard Napoléon 1er

2210, Luxembourg


address Automotive Components Europe SA(ACEE)
  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. ACEE Stock
  4. Company Automotive Components Europe SA