AIC Mines Limited provided a brief update on the recent high rainfall events experienced in the Cloncurry region of northwest Queensland where the Company's Eloise Copper Mine ("Eloise") is located. Eloise is situated 60 kilometres southeast of Cloncurry and 155 kilometres east-southeast of Mt Isa. In the past fortnight the Eloise site has experienced seasonally high rainfall (approximately 170mm) but has not seen the significant impacts reported at other Queensland mining operations, further to the west and the north, which experienced much higher levels of rainfall.

The Eloise site team has managed to mitigate the impact of the high rainfall on operations. Access to Eloise has been restricted by closures of the Flinders and Landsborough Highways which has impacted the timely arrival of certain mining and processing consumables however underground mining and processing activities have been largely unaffected.