To our valued customers,

I'm pleased to announce that today the existing Zedi leadership team, supported by investors, have acquired Zedi and have taken the company private.

We proudly remain the same company and the same leadership team, unchanged in our promise to help you realize your production potential. We've worked hard to achieve this change, as it allows us to respond more quickly to your evolving needs, without looking to the public markets for direction. This builds on our entrepreneurial roots and allows us to focus on identifying your needs, understanding your challenges, and finding new ways to support you.

We are now better positioned to achieve our vision of becoming a global leader in production operations management. With our personal investment in Zedi, you can be certain that we believe we will get there. At Zedi, we will continue to grow so that we can help you succeed.

That's my promise to you.

Matthew Heffernan,
President and CEO of Zedi Inc.

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