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Yandex NV, formally a Dutch company, wants to sell all its Russian operations. They hinder the company, which originated in Russia and has its largest user base there.

A group of Russian investors is also said to already be ready to take it over. A deal may be announced in the coming weeks, before the end of the year.

Bloomberg news agency today reports the remarkable proposed transaction. Because: a Russian company that wants to sell its Russian operations. Formally, however, Yandex is a SA and is listed on the stock exchange.

Yandex itself does not yet comment on the rumor.

The planned restructuring of the Dutch holding company Yandex NV is aimed at recouping some shareholder money by selling its main Russian businesses, including the search engine.

Yandex is also described as "the Russian Google. In addition to a search engine, it operates self-driving cabs and until last year had its own version of Facebook, Vkontakta. That already went to new Russian owners.

What remains, should the transaction actually come to fruition, is not much. Yandex NV then includes four more businesses: self-driving cars, cloud computing, online learning and AI tagging. These are all forward-looking technologies. The question becomes to what extent the leadership will be able to commercially scale these new activities.

;flPhoto: -cavin- (cc)

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