UDG Healthcare plc confirmed a number of planned board changes. As previously communicated, Chris Corbin and Chris Brinsmead, both Non-Executive Directors who have each served over nine years on the Board, have informed the Board of their intention to retire during 2020. In early 2019, appointed Peter Chambré and Shane Cooke in anticipation of these retirements. The Company confirmed that both Chris Corbin and Chris Brinsmead will retire at the end of the upcoming Annual General Meeting on 28 January 2020. The company also announced regarding the Board's succession planning, and noting that he has served on the Board since 2004 and as Chair since 2012, Peter Gray, Non-Executive Chair has informed the Board that he intends to step down as Chair of UDG Healthcare in September 2020. A selection process to appoint a new Chair is underway, overseen by the Nominations & Governance Committee and led by Senior Independent Director, Myles Lee. A further update, including the effective date of Mr. Gray's departure, will be announced in due course. Nancy Miller-Rich has also confirmed her intention not to seek re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on 28 January 2020 and a search for a replacement has been commenced.