Surgalign Holdings, Inc. announced the first major upgrade of the HOLO Portal™ Surgical Guidance System since the first case was performed in May of 2022. Since launch, the Company has worked with surgeons to enhance system functionality and expand use cases in the operating room. This next generation system from Surgalign includes over 250 enhancements in software, hardware upgrades, and integration with new instrumentation, including over 20 new surgical tools designed for use with HOLO Portal.

These improvements were designed to better support open lumbar pedicle screw procedures by adding an array of new pedicle preparation tools and also includes advancements in workflow and setup. The Company expects these improvements to expand the number of cases where HOLO Portal can be used, and to save time in existing HOLO Portal cases. All HOLO Portal customers will receive the upgrade, as HOLO Portal is currently offered with evergreen upgrades of software and hardware.