George Cairoli faxfinderl

(1/14) 03/27/2019 11:17:40 AM -0400


... ...

ti 03/27/2019 11:16:35 AM -0400

Suble t: Form 604 - Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Holder

'Im ASX Market Announcements Office Rom: George Cairoli


Coltrane Asset Management

Am)kInher. 901161293470005


pho ell"nh.m

phon.Ak./bic 2122596042


gcairoli@coltraneam. com

R/= 13

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hi all,

Please see attached for the Form 604 from Coltrane.

Thank you.

If you ri=l v,clthlsl= in ,rrororwould lito c*-cul, pla- i


George Cairoli faxfinderl

(2/14) 03/27/2019 11:18:04 AM -0400

PI 1/18 1/4201

Form 604

Corporalion, Act 2001

Section 671B

Notice of change of Intore of subetantlal holder

IR Corip.., N=n chalno

.pol-' Gloup Hold'hil Ul


184229 M2

1, D- l ellulloliI*/ le-[1)

CoRrini M=* FLA LP. (Colvm,) ind each othi p,rnon diocrlied Inaed* 6 below

(Coltn Grol®)

ACPUARSN (If •polo•bla)

Thn I m oh=m In thl


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colllpill,lohmno,dilgl OllI#Illilll holdiI Il# 4/:/ to g a ,ub /Il/ h-Wnallltoth allil,Illl, m,=Iglaa,:

DI" 4 Pl,lon v/'ll Nibal. 1 4=p®

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Oile/llo, M h Ilil Il# Coliiii h= a r-/"-4-1


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George Cairoli faxfinderl

(3/14) 03/27/2019 11:18:49 AM -0400

0 ema 18.-:001

P,immi of lohrili,#14 WIW deli miblt, Iho- In val, Iic"1:* dlirth,chge n m limils:

Hollal MI#

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George Cairoli faxfinderl

(4/14) 03/27/2019 11:19:25 AM -0400

18J#I mol

* IMPORTANT NOTE On 23 M=ch 2017, 30 Mardt 2017 3 Aprll 2017 and 8 May 2017, Coltrmo mmo"ziged to ASX ubstantal holder

notioe, which cE!,cloeed thit Coltrace bid a rolovsrd intere undersection 608(8) ofthe Corporatioi Act In Spottem

Ilires the mlbject of calb-Iettled equity swaps (hip) on t

basis t!* counispartles to the Swips bid confirmed

that they would be able 4 upon requed. convert the coonomic postuon hoid indcr the Sw,ps to physical ordlri,zy

Ihires by oloelng out Coltrine'i polittoo ind physically deliveiing to Coltrtne a number ofSpotle" shares equivalect

to the nunbi to ch the Swaps retate (Swip Share,1

Stnce the date ofCoinnes 11* substintial notice on 8 May 2017,40 number of Swip Shires subject afthe Swaps"..dby d 194

Thoopenticm of £08(8) meam thi Coltrane id its as,oci,M' pottng p,ove in Spotiess at my p ticular time

49-wk on the relevant 17-ell, in 53*12= Ih,res 1,1,1 by the r,MIntsparties to the Swaps.

On 23 Jurie 2017, Morgan St,nley & Co. LLC/Morgan Stintey & Co Irle,natioml plopublioly oonfirmed thtta

Morgm Stintey group coinparly holds thow Swip Shares subject ofthe,vaps to whjch they are pity I a he*to

the Sw pi, and thetr ints,tion to mak thot 9*ap Shires available to Cottrnne upcm the unwinding ofthem Swif

Ooldmt:1 800 a Ca /Ooldrn:n Sicils Irit:Inalional have not publicly made such a staternont

However, the swap countsparties Ere not oblig®d under the terns ofthe equlty tw,ps ir at Izw to hold Swap Shum at

allt[Im Indeed, hbuy,/cil orloin sp *less /.="maddyb.Lt.,hloh maymo nlhat

the simp goude,partim rn,or not bo Eho resl*crod holder of Swip Shares, md may not nwintain

it all timm a ret,vatt

bgont in Swip Slize&

As a rem:14 depending on whoths the swip courispirty hal a relevant lotore* in Bpotlets st•res ©*valent

to tbo

botal m•nbe, ofSwap Stsm, Coltrsne may not mail•min at all *Irrw• a releval* Int,rest In Spo • 0", equiv•6*.* to

the numbs of Spolle= shares the bject ofthe 83¥«ps.

The equity dinges In

Iwap counte,lartles :re not oblt,ed under the terina offhe equity swips their relcnnt Intse* in Spotlms *res, cr wbotbor or not thoy ue the

to inform Coltkno of any such residid holds of mch,h=res.

™smems 0/ Collii"to may notbecomeawim ofany tonsretevmt inizie,li in Spd"a• es until ith

advisod of

to the retivi:* inter=: ofthe cour*sparties in Spotless Ihics. As mich, Coltri,0 may not bo

obliscd to announce aNatte ofohan/ of Iritrreets of 2*intlit holder in re,poct ofmoh 01 ng. uitil it becomes

swar© ofany Arther Inform.

*300 ==ning the relevant

interest. of"Partici ait It ,6,0, not presently kncnv M

py chan- to the M , " -Y A · ' , · - ,i releM,ant Inierests In Swlicss.

& Cil.//0....-9/i//0/1

The Per,onsaho I,Ils- hoki

hinil bloomi -OIII,1 <4 I"Ilimin lo vol Ili"I

0 In

cl N

ld to I= c imar

Illoil/ ar #mi

cf, crimel-* Ai nEkn of thilr Ilioillion m) *4 me n IR,lo,I:

1010: NI• •5•lf-,flitildi-l,Ii,mlfirrd-hifdllili,Ililliimlhiil,/iw

.n.#AC AMSNOf•PPIC•bl•)

C m, NNt **LP. Comm, M,0 Illillol,Ill,1 Halllgl, U


ColliI Dom,Illa FiA LP.

C=m, 00*hore Fund, LP.

Coh. GP. LLC

W, al I,oolilon


I=*40.-.-0 1 . .//

GP dmi ....1 ../4--.. 00.7..I- i h= ..

c,p,o:*cor* 10» h"a-n=Hr-r.dch h Im hm...14 I 00-01..0 Ollalflalll M ilhl Illmllnlitl inigi-m iiBdili COIIUII .--h.....c pl.=oi Co-».th,80/mm*,rofboth

C.M.. GP, LLC md Co me Amt* Hilk'/ Ud, INI el hold,rof*®®cm =,-81/ b¥ th8 W../1.IN'.mo.n Dalrl,10 F=- P.* - in -,oilili d Colim= bll,1,1 1 b ,"11, comnoncon/*Co-*Imde,p-10Jb m. 0-leria

Iiidt of t* oadiol ofIl liwiilmilit M019= I dilallld abli/) Clhhore Flds, RK - m mloo of Cd,=I blom=i It uldor com n ollard ith Callnil limd,Ip-lial boN Ihl =livill ma I.#th cor 14-1-*...=mdIK-d.p)0...Im-/0...M..Rr LP.-mi....00...

hai,iii Il li Ind,rcommon coral Ill Collliil Oam'•Sp lalidgi bi4 Inl =limiw= a Imm 4h 00,•01 ofth• Ii, vial,"Irt MI=0 = .00*-)


George Cairoli faxfinderl

(5/14) 03/27/2019 11:20:21 AM -0400

"0,01 18'*2001

T Ila...

,I 0»1,0/= BITId In ll Im m


Cc-» Amt 44 LP.

Comar. A./.AiliMER ROW#A Ld.

W.E...p NIX'U

Comil,il Dorn=to Fund, LP.

Colbir» Ofhhor, Fi d, LP.

0¢SollAN,Ii Cm = hy, GInd C,WInK¥1-1108

Oill! 1 9108

8680*Avaan Cll,liu BIW, Gluid Ciplill KY1-1108

84 84 18N.Z. C=nma Bly, *nd C¥11=1 KY!.1108 C/"Im I.Ii/1/

280 WIr St lec N//Yori NY 10010


Nes York. NY 10018

94 Sol Ailme

CI,1=,1, Biy, G,na CaK!-1KYI-1108





amp.* CFO

0" 27/ 03

/ 2019




.h-eamild=.....val....4.In., .(Ie.'corpor-1 00**d.

.11, Nalll,vi.


Al= Ii/Will»/meqi*, u ,11=.mahhad,dhm=




r=n= Iid all,IN= of,nombii, il WIW *ell Il /19:,0 6 oflu bm.

8,l t. dm¥ l al 'llio-Ir In lid li oflhe Calloi*orm M 20 .

0)8= the d/llon al '1,1,4*l,1 I r,t h, log:mi= 000 ma 6718(7) 0fthi Corpoi-, Act 2001.

(4) T)» v*, ah,rmd I compii¥ conililil

clill ia/llm dh lad Ill lip=ll *Ills.

(5)Tha p ,c,IN v*§ di*lid by il»*I val= In l» bodycorpor* oranmam*led ly 100.

(6)MI.* i

(,)In,ds, dagll,m,Il *hidiviallitma•,bicauid•*lchlhichiphilidl,*i,tooo"

,4 NIA*lal,167180),00= a

4 I¥

mIN of sly doamlltill

alttlm rma d *raillit iesmer# md a tilmert ly me /IllIgM, R• Ind looli dalli

=*,ct. aoh,m,= -m, m t ,00=

-*ra. toose.8 -a.t-n,r¢

mr-- cor** ac,»fr, cr -amert





- Il*Ij

m.1:* lo Itioh thi lll,wit WI,I ll,Ii- MIMIW *i,) lii pl,*1*- -,1.1I

lo dilch thi,FI.Ilaill

Se, Ihi ds on d'Ill"IXIgiemmr h =dli 9 4th, Colpoillom Ac: 2001.



-=m mor»,mdall=,#tivp,Imn,wn#,ama

- -,tiaoill,d

D *almloollicd,mlorirm#In"lig=id,1

on to

hii, ari,Iy, *0- Iillid b imili In 41 * I In,001*lial. D il mt Illl,led . i#, binlm I 01,idlia,/

I l m k•110

lippll*V or nt of l oot* W. 011* Inlit M MI,Nd al liy b=* pild on Wi atml,uhat=,1,l hold, or h Ii,Mil


...onsom t=nmerek



mo Iubs ,11 hol- * 1/,Il,Imalli,11,l"I thl kil, Oflo pium" (,g. Wmi r,1/=*W=* /,Ii hicm= ofm Mion)


M eli a-* li Ipvrolilile, al thi /,101 =Ioolilion Ind Il *Ii,li In IW =,ocl/10,1 Iinci thi Id al*=*W

hok nola


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