RiT Technologies Ltd.'s board of directors announced that the company will undertake a number of strategic investments, including the recruitment of additional management team members, in order to grow the company to a new level and to achieve its true potential. The board of directors has accepted the resignation of Mr. Eran Ayzik, the company's CEO during its turnaround over the past two years and has appointed Dr. Vadim Leiderman to serve as its new President and CEO, effective immediately. In parallel, the board has expanded the company's management capabilities with the recruitment of a Deputy CEO, Mr. Moti Hania, and a CTO, Dr. Erez Ben Eshay. Dr. Vadim Leiderman served for the past three years as the Defense Attache and Representative of the Israel Ministry of Defense to the Russian Federation, preceded by 24 years of service in the Israeli Air Force (IAF) in various commanding and engineering positions, from which he retired as a Colonel. Mr. Moti Hania brings RiT his experience as the successful co-founder and CEO of BNM Technologies Ltd., following his 30 year career as a high-ranking officer in the Israeli Air Force. Dr. Erez Ben Eshay comes to RiT after 25 years of experience managing large, complex R&D and business development organizations, including most recently as CTO of American Unmanned Systems, BNM Technologies and SDS.