Pivot Technology Solutions, Inc. announced that Kevin Shank has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the company, effective May 1, 2016. Pivot's current CEO, Mr. Warren Barnes, will remain on Pivot's Board of Directors, and, additionally, intends to sign a 12 month consultancy agreement with the company. Kevin Shank brings 20 years of senior leadership experience in the IT industry.

Prior to joining Pivot in 2015, he held various senior leadership positions at CompuCom. As Executive Vice President and Chief Services Officer at CompuCom, he was responsible for 9,000 of its associates. Pivot also announces that Kerri Brass, Pivot's CFO, has decided to leave the company to pursue other opportunities, effective May 1, 2016.

Pivot has a strong financial team led by Mary Tullao, who will continue in her role as Corporate Controller. The company announced that John Sculley has decided not to stand for re-election to the company's Board of Directors at Pivot's upcoming AGM.