Orthocell Limited announced the publication of a successful case study focussing on the combination of CelGro® collagen medical device and autologous tenocyte implantation (Ortho-ATI®) for the surgical repair of a large degenerate tear of the gluteal medius tendon. The case study was published by internationally recognised orthopaedic hip specialist surgeon Dr John M O'Donnell and sports and exercise doctor A/Professor Jane Fitzpatrick. The case report supports Ortho-ATI® and CelGro® as durable, long term solutions for degenerate, treatment resistant tendons that can be used on their own or in combination. Gluteal tendinopathy can result in severe hip pain and is a common cause of disability affecting up to 23.5% of women and 8.5% of men aged between 50 and 79 years. Gluteal tendinopathy injuries may lead to considerable disability, reduced quality of life, and absenteeism from work, and are a significant burden on healthcare resources. The current standard of care including corticosteroid, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections or surgery, either lack an evidence base for long-term efficacy, or suffer from variability in failure rates and full restoration. This case report was designed to assess the role and effectiveness of CelGro® when combined with Ortho-ATI® to treat chronic degenerative gluteal tendinopathy in a 63 year old woman. The patient suffered from chronic right sided hip pain for over 15 years which significantly affected her ability to sleep, work and exercise. The patient underwent numerous conservative treatment options (including physiotherapy, load management, platelet rich plasma and corticosteroid injection therapy) and right hip replacement surgery - all without success. In 2016, the patient suffered a full thickness tendon tear (rupture) of the gluteus medius from the insertion of the greater trochanter (hip bone), confirmed by MRI of the hip, also noting significant atrophy and degeneration of the tendon. The patient underwent open surgery in April 2017 where the gluteus medius was anatomically repaired. CelGro®, acting as a carrier and scaffold for Ortho-ATI® (patients own cultured tenocytes) was then sutured over the repaired tendon. Both CelGro® and Ortho-ATI® were manufactured at Orthocell's TGA licensed facility prior to surgical implantation. Pain and function improvement was reported by the patient at the 12-week post-implantation review. At 6 months post treatment, and a physiotherapy led strength-based exercise program, the patient reported that pain had settled and was walking without a limp. She had normal function in the hip at 12 months. A structural improvement in the tendon was confirmed by repeat MRI. Orthocell intends to leverage this case report showing CelGro® and Ortho-ATI® results in high quality tissue repair to further position the medical device and cell therapy as best-in-class regenerative medicine products that can be used on their own or in combination. Further performance studies are planned to assist in establishing the effectiveness of the combined product.