Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. announced the appointment of Anthony R. Foxx as an independent member to its Board of Directors, effective November 6, 2020. He will serve on Martin Marietta’s Finance Committee. He is currently chief policy officer and advisor to the president and chief executive officer of Lyft, which he joined in October 2018. Prior to joining Lyft, he served as the seventeenth United States Secretary of Transportation from 2013 to 2017. The Senate confirmed the nomination of his to the Secretary of Transportation by a vote of 100-0. During his time as the Secretary of Transportation, he led an agency with more than 55,000 employees and a $70 billion budget, whose primary goal was to ensure that America maintains the world’s safest, most efficient transportation system. Under his leadership, the Department of Transportation (DOT) established a first-ever policy framework for the safe integration of self-driving vehicles and leveraged $350 million in public and private funding to demonstrate how smart technology can change cities and local communities.