Métropole Télévision S.A. Supervisory Board decided, during its meeting held on February 13, 2023, to appoint a new Executive Board for a period of three years. Karine Blouët, member in charge of public affairs; Guillaume Charles, member in charge of antennas and content; Henri de Fontaines, member in charge of strategy, transformation and development. Karine Blouët: Graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and Ensae, administrator of INSEE, Karine Blouët was technical advisor to the Prime Minister's Office (2002-2004), after 9 years at the Ministry of Finance.

From 2004 to 2006, she was then advisor in charge of the Financing and the Cinema and Audiovisual Industries in the Office of the Minister of Culture and Communication. Director of Institutional Relations since January 2007, she became, in January 2008, General Secretary of M6 Group, in charge of regulatory and legislative issues and relations with all public authorities and institutions, as well as the coordination of M6 Group on all relevant issues. She was also, from February 2010 to September 2012, President of Paris Première channel.

Henri de Fontaines: Graduated from HEC in 1998, Henri de Fontaines started as a consultant at Kearney. Two years later, he co-founded BuyFacilities.com as sales director, then became project manager at Toulouse & Associés in 2001. In 2003, he joined the M6 group as Strategy project manager.

Appointed general secretary of Studio 89 at the end of 2006, Henri de Fontaines became, in 2011, deputy general manager of M6 Publicité in charge of global strategies and creation. He was also appointed Managing Director of M6 Interactions in 2014. In 2015, Henri de Fontaines was appointed Group Director of Strategy and Development.

Guillaume Charles: Graduated from Centrale Supelec in 1999 and holder of an MBA from INSEAD in 2005, Guillaume Charles began his career in strategy consulting at Arthur D. Little before joining RTL Group in 2006 as Senior Strategy Executive. He joined the M6 ??Group in 2008 as Director of Strategy and Development, where he also took charge of distribution issues in 2012. In 2015, Guillaume Charles joined M6 Publicité, the advertising department of the M6 Group, as Deputy CEO in charge of marketing, studies and digital.

He joined the Programs department in 2019 as Director General of M6 Programs. In February 2023, Guillaume Charles joined the M6 Group Management Board in charge of Antennas and Content.