Kværner ASA announced earnings results for the third quarter 2018. The company reported that the revenues were NOK 1.7 billion in the third quarter 2018, about the same as in the corresponding quarter 2017. In the third quarter 2018, total revenues including jointly controlled entities (Field Development segment) were NOK 1,709 million, marginally lower than NOK 1,727 million in the same period one year ago. The corresponding EBITDA-margin was 5.2% in the third quarter this year, versus 15.1% in the third quarter last year.

The company provides financial outlook for 2018. The company maintains the financial outlook for 2018, with gross annual revenues above NOK 7 billion and lower EBITDA- margins for the second half year compared to the first half. The EBITDA margin for the fourth quarter is expected to be somewhat lower than the margin for the third quarter.