KUKA Aktiengesellschaft announced earnings guidance for the fiscal year 2020 and 2021. For the fiscal year 2020 sales revenues in the amount of around EUR 2.6 billion compared to previous year around EUR 3.2 billion and an EBIT margin between - 4.1% to - 4.6%, which equals an LBIT in the range of EUR 108 million to EUR 118 million. Nevertheless, the overall EBIT for the Fiscal Year 2020 will be negative since it will be affected by further necessary reorganization measures for which an accrual has to be booked in December 2020 in a lower- to mid-double digit million-euro amount. For Fiscal Year 2021, the Management Board expects that the economic recovery will continue; compared to Fiscal Year 2020, higher revenues and a positive EBIT is expected.