INVENIA Co., Ltd. Stock




Semiconductor Equipment & Testing

End-of-day quote Korea S.E. 06:00:00 2024-05-27 pm EDT 5-day change 1st Jan Change
1,002 KRW +0.70% Intraday chart for INVENIA Co., Ltd. -1.57% -14.58%
Sales 2022 56.86B 41.68M Sales 2023 22.7B 16.64M Capitalization 25.56B 18.74M
Net income 2022 -1.01B -743K Net income 2023 -17.48B -12.82M EV / Sales 2022 0.96 x
Net Debt 2022 22.12B 16.21M Net Debt 2023 28.04B 20.56M EV / Sales 2023 2.36 x
P/E ratio 2022
-32.3 x
P/E ratio 2023
-1.46 x
Employees 110
Yield 2022 *
Yield 2023
Free-Float 60.39%
More Fundamentals * Assessed data
Dynamic Chart
1 day+0.70%
1 week-1.57%
Current month-6.09%
1 month-6.18%
3 months-9.89%
6 months-5.56%
Current year-14.58%
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1 week
Extreme 990
1 039.00
1 month
Extreme 990
1 090.00
Current year
Extreme 990
1 319.00
1 year
Extreme 965
2 030.00
3 years
Extreme 965
3 350.00
5 years
Extreme 965
4 145.00
10 years
Extreme 965
6 770.00
More quotes
Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 49 -
Chief Operating Officer 46 -
Director/Board Member 59 -
Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 65 -
Chief Executive Officer 49 -
Director/Board Member 54 -
More insiders
Date Price Change Volume
24-05-28 1,002 +0.70% 26,665
24-05-27 995 -1.00% 42,782
24-05-24 1,005 +0.30% 16,077
24-05-23 1,002 -1.09% 46,974
24-05-22 1,013 -0.49% 18,752

End-of-day quote Korea S.E., May 27, 2024

More quotes
INVENIA Co.,Ltd., formerly LIG INVENIA Co.,Ltd., is a Korea-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture of liquid crystal display (LCD) manufacturing equipment and inception equipment. The Company's products include LCD front-end equipment, including dry etchers and vacuum alignment system (VAS) equipment; inspection equipment, including thin film transistor (TFT) automated optical inspection (AOI) equipment, color filter (CF) AOI equipment and macro inspection systems, as well as organic light-emitting diode (OLED) and LED equipment, such as metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) equipment. The Company distributes its products within domestic market and to overseas markets.
More about the company
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  3. A079950 Stock