Verditek plc announced the appointment of The Rt Hon Lord Willetts as Non-Executive Chairman, with immediate effect. Lord Willetts served as Minister for Universities and Science from 2010 to 2014 in the Coalition government. He was Member of Parliament for Havant between 1992 and 2015 and is now a member of the House of Lords. Concurrently, José Luis del Valle, Non-Executive Director of the company has informed the Board that he is under consideration to be nominated as the Non-Executive Chairman of a Spanish banking institution subject to regulatory approval by the Bank of Spain (Banco de España). As such, due to regulatory and legal requirements, he will not be able to continue in his capacity as a Non-Executive Director of Verditek plc. However, José Luis has requested, and it has been agreed, that his resignation will be effective May 9, 2018 to ensure the new Chairman, Lord David Willetts has all the necessary support on joining Verditek.