Notice to the Market

São Paulo, March 05, 2012 - BRAZIL PHARMA S.A., a publicly-held company headquartered at Gomes de Carvalho Street, No. 1.629, 6th and 7th floors, Vila Olímpia, City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Zip Code 04547-006, duly enrolled with CNPJ/MF under No. 011.395.624/0001-71, ("Brazil Pharma" or "Company"), holder of common shares ticker "BPHA3" before BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros, makes use of the present Notice to the Market to inform its shareholders and the market in general that inaugurates its Shared Services Center ("SSC") on this date, which is going to integrate the information technology ("IT") and back office areas from the Company´s operations, enabling the integration of its administrative activities, an implementation of an unified system management in its regional subsidiaries, standardization and optimization of its processes, better practices transfers from one operation to the others and implementation of rigid costs control, concentrating every support processes (e.g. finance, accountability, human resources, informatics, telecommunication and etc.) of the Company.

Brazil Pharma´s SSC in Brasília has a total area of 1,200 square meters. It will have a total of 255 employees, being 30 in the call center, 190 as analysts, supervisors and managers and the remaining 35 in the outposts. The SSC will also host the Center for Technological Development - CTD, that will be a center for IT intelligence, responsible for every project related to new systems and IT infrastructure, with its Data Center located in Hortolândia, São Paulo, at IBM´s technological town.

Brazil Pharma reiterates that the SSC will be essential to support its growth and that this inauguration represents another important step towards the integration and standardization of the Company.

André Sá
Chief Executive Officer

Renato de Vicq Telles da Silva Lobo
Investor Relations Officer