PR Newswire/ANP/
    In the appeal procedure the court in Rotterdam has confirmed the fine of
7,9 million euros for Ballast Nedam as imposed by the NMA (Netherlands
Competition Authority).

    Subject of the appeal procedure was the amount of the fine for summary
offences of the competition laws in the period 1998-2000. This fine had
already been provided for the full amount in the annual accounts of Ballast
Nedam and this court decision has no influence on the 2009 results.

    Ballast Nedam considers opposing the decision of the Rotterdam Court with
the "College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven" (Trade and Industry Appeals

    To the Editor: Further information: Ballast Nedam N.V., Adrie van Kessel, telephone number +31(0)30-285-41-61
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